Hi there!
I’m Amanda Stella!
Certified Tea Sommelier, Beekeeper, and Energetic Alchemist!
I began selling tea in 2015 after my Nan brought home a tea catalog, and I was beyond surprised when I fell in love. I thought I would try selling tea for another company as a way to learn about herbs and health, but I was taken on a magical ride I did not expect!
Not only did I learn that tea has physical health benefits, but tea has the magical workings to soothe the soul and offer up such beautiful moments to find clarity and healing. Sharing tea allowed me to find new parts of myself, and as I began to share my knowledge and love for tea, I began to love and learn more about myself in the process.
It was transformative.
I travelled from home to home doing in-home tea parties, set up booths at vendor shows and fairs, and was asked to talk about tea at workshops and events. This became the highlight in my life, but the other highlight was coming home to my Nan and telling her all about my tea adventures and watching her light up and make endless space for my newfound enthusiasm and spirit.
At first, I was simply sharing tea — Just a simple, little, magical elixir. Sharing tea was so simple, effortless, and soul-enriching… that I almost forgot I had a fear of public speaking and a once-broken spirit. Tea was a gentle calling that I did not realize was boldly pushing me on a whole new path, and into a whole new me. I didn’t know what it was - but I wanted to bottle and share that too.
This propelled me into a space where I began making beautiful, genuine friendships and connections over multiple pots of tea - magical potions that offered up healing, as well as comfort for people to talk about what was on their minds, and their hearts.
Working with tea, I learned that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and try different things to determine if in fact they are your ‘cup of tea’…and this gave me the courage to leap down new paths, stand out, and make mistakes. I became curious about making my own bath and body potions, and soon I was awakening my inner alchemist. I started to follow my curiosities and passions and began keeping bees, looking for more and more answers from nature. Searching for more ways to heal myself and others.
Keeping bees awakened a part of me that tea couldn’t access, and the ability to check on my hives with a cup of tea in hand brings my inner child such a thrill, as well as a sense of peace and grateful awe.
The bees thrived, the studying continued, and I received my tea sommelier certification in July 2021.
A few months before I finished my exam, my Nan passed away. Then so did my Grandmother two months later. I wanted to give up. But I could still feel them pushing me, further adding to why tea is so otherworldly in nature for me. When I started my own company soon after, I wanted to continue to focus on the transformative capabilities of tea, and how tea can be used to heal the spirit. Some of us do not seek a cup of tea to relax, but to replenish the energy that has left, or to try and fill a void with a substance that does not manifest into self sabotage.
Wicked Botanicals teas come with a set intention based on the spiritual properties of the ingredients in them! However, you can add your own intention to any brew of tea, and do whatever your beautiful witchy little heart fancies. You do you Darling!
When you can see your cup of tea as a magical elixir that can change your life, the universe seems to move you forward, and move obstacles out of the way.